What A Pair! May15 by Tim on May 15, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Click here to see the first word of the day comic!
Holy crow Tim, how did your twisted brain come up with this???
My brain never shuts down!
Pair of shoots is going to be the name of your third Vinnie collection.
I haven’t even got a first one out yet!
Kickstart it! I’m in :O)
Thanks, Joseph!
good one Tim!
Thanks, P.J.!
The next word of the day for Vinnie may be “swell” as in that hand is sure going to swell and hurt like hell.
Haha! You hit the nail on the head with that one!
haha how you made that connection I’ll never know but funny
I don’t know where they come from either!
Marquis de Sunny.
You drop names like a hammer…
Very clever Sunny!!!
She gets him every time!
If I ever come to your house I will never place my hands on the table! :OP
Sunny likes hands, I go after feet!
I’ll wear my steel toe boots :OP
I would love to see a Sunny Word of the Day book! That would be quite awesome.
I’ve thought about doing a collection of comic books featuring different collections ( Little Known Facts, Little Bites, etc.) I should add that idea to the list!
He kept his cool by only saying shoot
It’s an all ages comic after all…
That’s the reason my characters say ^%#^%$@!!!
My characters have been known to use punctuation as well!
He’d better be glad she wasn’t swinging at another pair.
I shudder at the thought!