Vinnie Bares It, Sunny Bears It! May01 by Tim on May 1, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics There’s a Charity Challenge going on over at Bearman Cartoons and I couldn’t resist getting involved! Check out the details here.
Hahaha! At least it was for a good cause!
At least Vinnie’s shame had a purpose!
That is awesome!!! Thanks so much for this. Love how it fit into the story line too!! I like knowing that Vinnie is a Bearman Fan! Usually vampires don’t like us hairy beasts
It was all a happy coincidence, but I’m happy with how it came out. I hope it helps your cause!
Wow Tim! You wrote Bearman’s charity challenge perfectly with your current story.
Sometimes the stars align with the moon….Vinnie’s moon, that is….
Nicely done Tim.
Thanks, P.J.!
Sunny knows a good thing when she draws one! Very creative, Tim! Go, Bearman!
Thanks, Mark!
Haha! I never seen a guy with a towel over his hair like a lady!
It reminds me of a Tim Allen bit where he said he tried it once and ended up looking like a drunken Iraqi soldier.
I always think of that scene in Ferris Bueller…
Love the crossover!
Thanks, Michael!
Interesting, I always thought of bearman being on a “wanted” or “warning” poster, not so much a t-shirt! [smirk]
Only when charities are involved!
That’s where they got the pic. I am like those celebrity prisoners
I wonder if a Bear can take on a Vampire and win? Hmm…..
No I hate the sight of blood
Too bad…Sunny wanted to make a donation from her blood bank account!
Depends on the bear!