I don’t know why we find love so difficult. It’s one of the most natural things to experience. I wish Vinnie could just take the leap and talk to Val, but Vinnie chooses to suffer in silence. Who’s waiting on your bench? See related comics here, here and here.
Ahhhhh, undead love..there’s nothing like it!
It’s just their hearts at stake
Ain’t that just how it is? I never had the nerve when I was younger to approach my unrequited love interest. I always waited for them to come to me. I missed out on a whole lotta potential relationships. It wasn’t until later, the girls would tell me on Facebook about the crushes they had on me, but were afraid to speak. Sigh….
Yep. Girls scared me to death back then!
Suckers for love, haha. Val is adorable.
Thanks, Mark! I hope to add her to more stories soon.
So hard to put yourself out there for love… Yet we put ourselves out there for the love of our craft: comics! Strange how the confidence works!
Yes, I agree!