It’s probably all the built up guilt in their bodies.
It’s like tenderizer!
They do keep clean. Nothing worse than dirty prey.
Good, clean living makes all the difference!
And so tender too!
It’s a delicacy in vampire circles.
Well at least he has something holy in him
Little good it did him!
I bet the priest haunted the castle after that!
I’ll bet a lot of those spirits are Vampa’s victims…at least they can have Mass now.
Freaky things happening at Halloween time.
Freaky things happen here year around…October just gets freakier!
I guess priests would make good appetizers.
….if the Pope was the main course!
Pope burgers anyone?
That’s a rare burger!
Vampa eats religiously whether he’s hungry or not.
Very well said!
Holy terrorizzini, anyone?
Make mine a double!
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It’s probably all the built up guilt in their bodies.
It’s like tenderizer!
They do keep clean. Nothing worse than dirty prey.
Good, clean living makes all the difference!
And so tender too!
It’s a delicacy in vampire circles.
Well at least he has something holy in him
Little good it did him!
I bet the priest haunted the castle after that!
I’ll bet a lot of those spirits are Vampa’s victims…at least they can have Mass now.
Freaky things happening at Halloween time.
Freaky things happen here year around…October just gets freakier!
I guess priests would make good appetizers.
….if the Pope was the main course!
Pope burgers anyone?
That’s a rare burger!
Vampa eats religiously whether he’s hungry or not.
Very well said!
Holy terrorizzini, anyone?
Make mine a double!