My mom is illiterate but she’s very smart. I just can’t understand how after all these years she has not made an effort to learn to read or write. My brothers and I tried to teach her but she didn’t follow through.
It is incredible how people function in society with illiteracy, Joseph. I’m sure she is a very smart person and I hope you didn’t take offense with the comic.
Oh, my daughter and I were translating words from English to Spanish and I was on your site. She asked, “So what’s your friend’s name in Spanish,” and pointed at the screen. I said, “Timoteo Verde” So that’s your name in Spanish, Tim, in case you didn’t already know.
HAHAHA! A study coma! That’s awesome
Thanks, Julian!
Nothing says study like the life vampa leads!
My maternal grandfather, who Vampa is loosely based on, never learned to read. I can’t imagine how hard his life must have been.
My mom is illiterate but she’s very smart. I just can’t understand how after all these years she has not made an effort to learn to read or write. My brothers and I tried to teach her but she didn’t follow through.
It is incredible how people function in society with illiteracy, Joseph. I’m sure she is a very smart person and I hope you didn’t take offense with the comic.
Not at all, Tim. It just got me thinking about how it must be not knowing to read or write. No offense taken. Just thought provoking and funny! :O)
That’s a load off my mind! I’d hate to offend one of my best commentors!
Ha, ha! I wish I had a Vampa like that!
Tim, I like the silhouette you added in panel three.
Thanks, Bill!
Well at least we know that Vampa is not related to The Count from Sesame Street. This comic is brought to you be the number two.
Maybe Vampa should watch a little Sesame Street!
Yeah, that silhouette is awesome, Tim!
Oh, my daughter and I were translating words from English to Spanish and I was on your site. She asked, “So what’s your friend’s name in Spanish,” and pointed at the screen. I said, “Timoteo Verde” So that’s your name in Spanish, Tim, in case you didn’t already know.
Thanks, Joseph! I’ll start introducing myself that way!
Gotta read between the bloodlines!
Those are words to live by!
I have had a few of those kind of comas
I’m sure most of us have!
To be fair, the history of pansies is a pretty good read.
I’ll take your word for that, Jack!
Keep reading and studying, Vinnie. You wanna get your apple far away from that old tree.
Some roots just spawn bad seeds!
Just make sure Vinnie doesn’t go to art school!! Mind you that might actually suit his disposition!
Very true, Chris!