This question goes out to all my cartoon buddies out there. This comic is my first attempt at digitally adding text. Should I keep hand drawing it or does this look okay?
This question goes out to all my cartoon buddies out there. This comic is my first attempt at digitally adding text. Should I keep hand drawing it or does this look okay?
Well, now that you mentioned the digital text, it does look different. However, it looked fine on first reading and I probably would not have noticed at all if you hadn’t said anything.
I think it looks good.
Thanks, Julian. Eventually, I hope to go digital all the way, but for now…baby steps!
Both look great. It really comes down to your preference AND if you have aspirations of selling original art (not an easy thing) strip comics with lettering sell better.
That’s a very good point!
To Obi-Wan you listen to!
That’s a really good point I hadn’t thought of, thanks Michael.
Tim, this has to be one of my favorite comics of yours. There are so many elements in this comic that I enjoyed. Vampa’s vocabulary, the colored word balloon in panel three, the motion in three and seven. Not to mention I truly laughed out loud at panel six.

You asked about the font, I like it. It’s clear and cartoony enough to look hand written. One thing I’d consider is on the fifth panel it looks like you chose a smaller font size. (Perhaps for effect since Vampa’s being stepped on) That panel I had to focus to read instead of glancing at the others. Perhaps that’s also because I wear reading glasses.
What I always do when I make my font smaller than my standard size is I put the words in bold. It just makes it a bit easier to read.
I can’t hand letter and I admire those who can. But I know hand lettering takes a lot of time. So I say try this font out for a few weeks and see what you and your readers think.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me so much quality advice…I’ll take it to heart!
Baby- this is one of the funniest, laugh out loud comics you have done. LOVED IT! xoxoxo
Awww, thanks honey!
I noticed the lettering was different but I thought it was on purpose! As my writing is “doctor-bad” I would have to rely on digital. Since hand-lettering is so time-consuming, maybe save it for when it really matters, like letters dripping in blood LOL Loved this comic, physical humor done right has always cracked me up!
Thanks, Judy! This actually took me much longer than I anticipated!
Classic slapstick, Hal Roach would be proud. Poor Vampa, us old guys just can’t get no respect.
Haha! I think Vampa was asking for it!
Tim, I like your hand lettering better. It belongs to your artwork. It’s part of your brand. Digital lettering gives it more of a generic look. The balloon shapes are cool but it is something I can see on other comics. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your preferences. Especially since you are going all digital.
Thanks, Joseph. I like how my lettering looks with the comic, I guess I shouldn’t try to fix something that isn’t broken.
Bob’s bite is worse than Vampa’s bark! Fun strip, Tim! Your hand lettering fits the look of your strip better, in my opinion. I know it’s more work, but I think it’s worth it. You can also look into creating a font based on your hand lettering. There are ways to do that.
Thanks for the input, Mark. I agree with you!
Hilarious strip Tim & a classic old guy step topple. Dogz rule old guyz drool.
I tried hand lettering once & it looked crap so I stick with digital fonts. Hand lettering is a real skill & you do a great job of it.
Thank you, Tony! I like the way the text looks now and I’ll probably stick with it for a while.
Very fun strip Tim! As for your font question, it’s what ever you’re happy with. I have horrible penmanship so I’ve used Comicraft fonts from the getgo. If you stick with digital, there are some tricks to make it more unique. Make some words bigger, bolder etc. takes some practice, I’m still learning!
You might try making the type a point or 2 larger and maintain a consistent leading. For the GG I do 8pt type with 10pt leading. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the advice, Rich, I really appreciate it!