The Yawn Apr09 by Tim on April 9, 2012 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comics I don’t know about you guys, but I yawned right after I read this one…funny!
Haha! I love this one! Seriously one of my favorites so far
Thank you, Sareen! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
*Bwa ha ha ha* Very contagious
Humans do have a few things in common with vampires…
Evil yawns are nothing to yawn at…or something.
I think as long as you close one eye, it’s okay.
More infectious than a vampire bite!
..and a lot less painful
The original social disease? If only that was the worst. LOL!
You think they would at least cover their mouths!
First I laughed, and then I actually yawned. That’s a powerful image you’ve put on the internet, Tim!
Thank you, Brandon! This one was so much fun!
Boy, they have some unique-looking yawns.
I like watching drivers at stop lights when they yawn. I don’t think about it when i do it, but when you don’t cover your mouth it looks like you’re screaming to outsiders.
Vinnie’s yawn is my favorite! The power of the yawn has always fascinated me.