Rich people: Better than everyone else! Sooooo true!
Indubitably, good sir, indubitably…
Sunny seems under impressed. Maybe if Uncle Fred had three stores ….
There isn’t much that Sunny feels is worth bathing for…
I’m with Sunny, bathing is awful. That’s why I haven’t taken a bath in three years. On a warm night, you can probably smell me from Mars.
Your ears must look like my rain gutters!
Nothing worse than a rotting corpse of a relative except a rich rotting corpse of a relative that drives a Rolls.
I here ya, J.P.!
Yeah, but he bought that rich blood…
So rich it’s probably blue!
Careful, Sunny. Mom may make you take two baths to match Uncle Fred’s two.
“Water” horrible thought!
Baths are for sissies…
That’s all Sunny is trying to say…
The only way to contend is to start wearing a bow tie and use a British accent.
Well, Uncle Fred has the bow tie…
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Rich people: Better than everyone else! Sooooo true!
Indubitably, good sir, indubitably…
Sunny seems under impressed. Maybe if Uncle Fred had three stores ….
There isn’t much that Sunny feels is worth bathing for…
I’m with Sunny, bathing is awful. That’s why I haven’t taken a bath in three years. On a warm night, you can probably smell me from Mars.
Your ears must look like my rain gutters!
Nothing worse than a rotting corpse of a relative except a rich rotting corpse of a relative that drives a Rolls.
I here ya, J.P.!
Yeah, but he bought that rich blood…
So rich it’s probably blue!
Careful, Sunny. Mom may make you take two baths to match Uncle Fred’s two.
“Water” horrible thought!
Baths are for sissies…
That’s all Sunny is trying to say…
The only way to contend is to start wearing a bow tie and use a British accent.
Well, Uncle Fred has the bow tie…