The Vampa Chronicles Jan17 by Tim on January 17, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Click the “previous” button to start at the beginning of this series. To see more comics that mention the Van HeelSlugs, click here, here, here and here. └ Tags: heelslugs
NO! To be continued??? This story is so intriguing, Tim! I cannot wait until Monday for you to post the next one. YOU MUST POST IT NOW!
Great story! I’m captivated and I love the extra long length! :O) Now, Let’s see if I can hack into your computer to get the next episode…
Actually it is to be continued on Monday, thanks for catching that oversight on my part! It has now been updated to reflect that.
Wow, I’m loving this storyline, its brilliant! Great extra sized comic today as well Tim, nice one!! Can’t wait to see the next episode on Monday!
Thanks, Paul!
Vampa is HARD CORE. when he claims to be an old school vampire he ain’t lying!
I always envisioned Vampa as an old school, no holes barred vampire. It’s a good contrast to a vamp like Vinnie.
Wow, Tim. I love the flashback panels. Very well done!
Thanks, Julian! Every now and then I go a little crazy!
Throw another log on the fire, Vampa is just warming up.
Slightly above room temperature, I’m afraid…
Man, Tim, this is a good story! I love the way you’re utilizing the shadows for an excellently creepy, moody effect.
Thanks, George! That means a lot coming from the king of king sized comics!
Wow Tim! Great job on this epic comic. I can’t wait for Monday’s followup!
Heelslug. I think I would look to change our name
They did…the original name was Crappyburger.
Love this storyline. Love the old black and white effect, too.
Thanks, Tom!
Take a good look at his face,
You’ll see Vampa’s smile looks out of place,
If you look closer, it’s easy to trace,
The tracks of your fears..
Looovvvve it, Tim!
Thanks for the song, Mark, I’m sure Smoky would be proud!
I like the look of Vampa in the old days. He was a good looking evil-doer!
Thanks, Nef!