Vinnie should know by now to always be on guard when Sunny’s around!
The dolly made her do it!
Two heads are worse than one!
Twice the headache!
There’s a long, storied history of creepy dolls doing creepy things. Abby’s actions are not unprecedented.
A doll possessed by Sunny is a scary thing!
Double your pleasure, double your fun, a two headed Sunny is better than one Eight more days till Halloween…. Silver Shamrock !
Haha! The lost lyrics!
Maybe she’ll break some bones in Vinnie’s hands, and then Sunny will be a proud mama!
Stick and stones may break my bones…but so do hammers…
Stay away from kids with doll heads attached to their necks.
I say aye!
Abby is so brutal. And handy with a hammer
Blunt object, sharp object…she labored over this!
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Vinnie should know by now to always be on guard when Sunny’s around!
The dolly made her do it!
Two heads are worse than one!
Twice the headache!
There’s a long, storied history of creepy dolls doing creepy things. Abby’s actions are not unprecedented.
A doll possessed by Sunny is a scary thing!
Double your pleasure, double your fun, a two headed Sunny is better than one
Eight more days till Halloween…. Silver Shamrock !
Haha! The lost lyrics!
Maybe she’ll break some bones in Vinnie’s hands, and then Sunny will be a proud mama!
Stick and stones may break my bones…but so do hammers…
Stay away from kids with doll heads attached to their necks.
I say aye!
Abby is so brutal. And handy with a hammer
Blunt object, sharp object…she labored over this!