The Sneeze Aug27 by Tim on August 27, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I would have given Vinnie my blessing to say it, but he could burst into flames as well!
He almost gave Vampa a heart attack….wait….
The vampire equivalent to one, at least!
I won’t say it here! Haha.
Great page. 
Thanks Carlo!
Geeze, Vampa. So rude!
Rude should be his middle name!
You could always do the internet meme: “Errrmagerd bless you!”
That might work!
Haven’t seen him move that fast ever.
The fear of God was in him!
Hehe, love the 3rd panel!
Thank you! I had fun with that one!
I guess they did away with the old “Blaspheme You!” standby.
That must be the case!
I can think of only two 3 word sentences that would offend him. “Go f**k yourself?” or the just as damaging “God bless you.”
I think the second choice scares Vampa more!
Vampa was rolling hard to get away from that one.
He’s still got a little pep in his wheels!