My favorite character is Vampa. I would buy designer Vampa Depends.
Haha! I need to corner that market!
Make sure they are leak proof
What’s the best way to get out a bloodstain?
Sunny is all business.
….and business is good!
She is way past lemonade stands. Next thing you know she will start her own webcomic
Way ahead of you, pal…
Sunny T shirts worn by Vinnie himself. That must bring up it’s market value.
We need to find a market before determining the value…
Stains cost extra
Five bucks a piece!
Love how you play with the “self-realization” that they are comic strip characters.
It’s been a running gag for a while now.
At least she was kind enough to stack your former shirts neatly, Vinnie!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have an optimist in out midst!
sunny is one smart business woman!
Some might say the only thing smart about her is her mouth…
This is one of my favorite VTV strips, Tim. I love to see how enterprising and opportunistic Sunny can be. She’s definitely a hoot.
Thanks, George, she reminds me a lot of Hank in this one!
How is your new schedule going, Tim? Is it an easy adjustment or somewhat challenging? Do you feel you have lots more time now?
I’m curious to know how you are doing considering you are a nonstop-comic-making-machine.
It’s a little weird, Joseph. I’ve been trying to acclimate back into society, working on a “honey do” list, even reading a book!
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My favorite character is Vampa. I would buy designer Vampa Depends.
Haha! I need to corner that market!
Make sure they are leak proof
What’s the best way to get out a bloodstain?
Sunny is all business.
….and business is good!
She is way past lemonade stands. Next thing you know she will start her own webcomic
Way ahead of you, pal…
Sunny T shirts worn by Vinnie himself. That must bring up it’s market value.
We need to find a market before determining the value…
Stains cost extra
Five bucks a piece!
Love how you play with the “self-realization” that they are comic strip characters.
It’s been a running gag for a while now.
At least she was kind enough to stack your former shirts neatly, Vinnie!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have an optimist in out midst!
sunny is one smart business woman!
Some might say the only thing smart about her is her mouth…
This is one of my favorite VTV strips, Tim. I love to see how enterprising and opportunistic Sunny can be. She’s definitely a hoot.
Thanks, George, she reminds me a lot of Hank in this one!
How is your new schedule going, Tim? Is it an easy adjustment or somewhat challenging? Do you feel you have lots more time now?
I’m curious to know how you are doing considering you are a nonstop-comic-making-machine.
It’s a little weird, Joseph. I’ve been trying to acclimate back into society, working on a “honey do” list, even reading a book!