The Problem Aug02 by Tim on August 2, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This is the third in this series. To start from the beginning, click here.
It seems to me like the potion turned her into a little Sonny-Hulk.
That’s a smashing comparison!
Ha, ha, that’s brilliant. Not often we see Sunny lost for words! Fantastic comic this week, really enjoyed the story, so funny!
She gift wrapped that one for Vinnie!
Not to often do you see Sunny with a loss for words, haha!
Every now and then Vinnie sneaks in a zinger!
Where wolf? There wolf.
The only thing she’s missing is sheep’s clothing!
I can guarantee there was no sugar or spice or anything nice in that poison.
I’m pretty positive on that!
hahaha he trolled her so good!! Check out our site Thanks!!
Will do! Thanks for stopping by!
A little Watterson-esque there! Nicely done!
I’ll take that as a compliment…I love C & H!
But Sunny, I actually like the glow-in-the-dark silly putty look!
She’s more of a pasty shade of pink kinda girl!
I sure wouldn’t want her to kick me. Not with those toe-talons.
Maybe Vinnie should wear shin guards!