The Name Game May22 by Tim on May 22, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This is the second comic in this story arc. Hit the “previous” button to see the first.
Among his people, Urg is considered quite an eloquent speaker.
It’s all about enunciation!
Okay, This got me giggling!
I’ll take it!
The Urg is the word, I see.
Hey, that’s catchy, you should put it to music…
I think we should base all names off the first sounds everyone makes. Be a whole lot more fun.
A lot of goo’s and gaa’s walking around!
It could be worse. His only word might be blaach or blurp.
…or it could just be initials!
Vampa sticks with what works. He’s been around long enough to know that.
…and he’s used a few sticks as weapons too!
Vampa’s just as clever as Urg!
Hmmmm…I think someone was just insulted…
hmmmm… was it Vampa, or was it Urg?
We may never know…
As big as he is, I think you should call him whatever he gives you permission to call him.
Ha! It’s good to meet you Urg.
Urg says “Urg” to you as well!
Maybe after he swallows his lunch
That’s quite a mouthful!