The best laid plans, foiled by a swear word.
Every time!
Censored comes in ones and ONLY ones.
I hear ya, Michael!
Brilliant! Sunny looks like my daughter: After her bath she runs around the house naked as I try to catch her and put her clothes on.
I’ve got two grown daughters myself! I’ve done my share of naked wrangling!
This comic is both profoundly disturbing and brilliant. Nice job, Tim! Also, extra obnoxious points for “Octoonber.” -v
Thanks, Vince! October is a fun month to play around with!
So that’s what Sunny’s nipples look like… Honestly, I gasped when I saw that.
I should have added a disclaimer to this one, Bill, sorry about that!
My characters rarely wear cloths, but that’s because they are critters and bugs. Sunny in the buff is horror at a new level.
I would never wanna come across naked Sunny….or clothed Sunny!
The truth doesn’t get nakeder.
Clothes are for filthy liars!
Hahaha! I love seeing Vinnie win this one against his kid sister. However, I’m sure Sunny’s gonna get her revenge on the old boy.
Clothed Sunny is bad enough, but naked Sunny is where Vinnie draws the line!
Blame those pesky censors… They could have used ^%$^%# but noooo, they HAD to take her costume…
Fire them all!
It’s a grave injustice!
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The best laid plans, foiled by a swear word.
Every time!
Censored comes in ones and ONLY ones.
I hear ya, Michael!
Brilliant! Sunny looks like my daughter: After her bath she runs around the house naked as I try to catch her and put her clothes on.
I’ve got two grown daughters myself! I’ve done my share of naked wrangling!
This comic is both profoundly disturbing and brilliant. Nice job, Tim! Also, extra obnoxious points for “Octoonber.” -v
Thanks, Vince! October is a fun month to play around with!
So that’s what Sunny’s nipples look like…
Honestly, I gasped when I saw that.
I should have added a disclaimer to this one, Bill, sorry about that!
My characters rarely wear cloths, but that’s because they are critters and bugs. Sunny in the buff is horror at a new level.
I would never wanna come across naked Sunny….or clothed Sunny!
The truth doesn’t get nakeder.
Clothes are for filthy liars!
Hahaha! I love seeing Vinnie win this one against his kid sister. However, I’m sure Sunny’s gonna get her revenge on the old boy.
Clothed Sunny is bad enough, but naked Sunny is where Vinnie draws the line!
Blame those pesky censors… They could have used ^%$^%# but noooo, they HAD to take her costume…
Fire them all!
It’s a grave injustice!