The Love Bench Jul09 by Tim on July 9, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To see more Val related comics click here, here, here and here.
Even vampires have their little red headed girl.
Vinnie is definitely bitten by this one
I think heartache lasts that long, vampire or not!
I’ve been a victim of heartache…it’s no fun!
Sometimes…love sucks!
and sometimes it bites
It always does for Vinnie
Vinnie can vouch for that!
Take action now, Vinnie! You don’t want to spend 850 years of regret!
I wish he’d take that advice!
Like the stake, love is a many splintered thing!
Well said, Mark
Poor Vinnie. He needs to get a move on!
Man, eternal depression is a sad thing. It’s good that he hasn’t resolved to initiating her into vampiredom so that he can keep her forever. Hmmm….
Only time will tell…