The Human Kid Feb04 by Tim on February 4, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Today I start a series introducing a new character, his name will be revealed Wednesday!
I wish I had someone to boss around. They would bring me so much cake.
Ha, ha! I like the sound of that!
But they would also have to exercise for me
That kid does look like he could handle a single push up!
This sounds interesting. I already like the new kid.
Just what this town needs….another strange character!
Just what every 5 year old psychotic vampire girl needs!
Like she didn’t already have a big enough ego!
Well this can’t end well….for Vinnie.
It never ends well for that poor guy…
Renfield done had himself a kid!
A creepy little kid at that!
Sunny loves the sound of that!
But does she love it enough to keep her fang in check?
What else would he be there for? Can’t wait to see where this is going!
I’ll be running this story line for a few weeks, stay tuned!
I would love to hear that too. Where do you find good minions these days?
Minions R Us?
Sunny’s got her own yes-boy.
Oh boy, yes she does!
This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Beautiful but creepy…
He is very obediant.
He lives to serve the undead!
I think that kid would be creepier to meet in a park at 2 in the morning than a vampire. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Yeah, he is pretty creepy!