To be fair, Vampa does a mean impression of a wolf when is pooper is in pain.
I’m sure most of us could!
The Moons of Uranus can affect wolves and the elderly.
I’m afraid Vampa has several meteors orbiting Uranus!
Haha! Clever one J.P.!
No one wants to be related to that
It’s proof that relatives can be a pain in the…
Nothing gets my Monday morning off to a good start like a hemorrhoid joke!
Ah, yeah! A hot cup o’ coffee and cold tube o’ Preparation H!
I’m glad to hear that, Pat! I wonder if I could get Preparation H to sponsor me now…
Poor Vampa, it’s not easy being old! And you should know Tim, being a Grampa and all
Wait a minute… are YOU actually VAMPA? That would explain your unprecedented knowledge of vampires! hmmmm…
Pay no attention to that man behind the keyboard…
You are tooooo funny, Chris!
Thanks for your opinion….now, get off my lawn!
Vampa can’t sit this one out.
Hee Hee! Unless he has a rubber donut!
Yeah, I guess he’s just sit outta luck!
Please don’t make me imagine that……too late
Sorry, somethings you just can’t unlearn!
You mean like when I accidentally walked in on my grandma on the toilet?
Sorry to bring back forgotten memories!
Hahahaha! You caught me waaaay off-guard with that one, Tim! Nice!
I don’t think I’m quite ready to snatch the pebble from your hand just yet…
The truly frightening thing is if vinnie has to apply it!
EWWW! I’ll never put that image on the web!
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To be fair, Vampa does a mean impression of a wolf when is pooper is in pain.
I’m sure most of us could!
The Moons of Uranus can affect wolves and the elderly.
I’m afraid Vampa has several meteors orbiting Uranus!
Haha! Clever one J.P.!
No one wants to be related to that
It’s proof that relatives can be a pain in the…
Nothing gets my Monday morning off to a good start like a hemorrhoid joke!
Ah, yeah! A hot cup o’ coffee and cold tube o’ Preparation H!
I’m glad to hear that, Pat! I wonder if I could get Preparation H to sponsor me now…
Poor Vampa, it’s not easy being old! And you should know Tim, being a Grampa and all

Wait a minute… are YOU actually VAMPA? That would explain your unprecedented knowledge of vampires! hmmmm…
Pay no attention to that man behind the keyboard…
You are tooooo funny, Chris!
Thanks for your opinion….now, get off my lawn!
Vampa can’t sit this one out.
Hee Hee! Unless he has a rubber donut!
Yeah, I guess he’s just sit outta luck!
Please don’t make me imagine that……too late
Sorry, somethings you just can’t unlearn!
You mean like when I accidentally walked in on my grandma on the toilet?
Sorry to bring back forgotten memories!
Hahahaha! You caught me waaaay off-guard with that one, Tim! Nice!
I don’t think I’m quite ready to snatch the pebble from your hand just yet…
The truly frightening thing is if vinnie has to apply it!
EWWW! I’ll never put that image on the web!