The Halloweener Strikes! Oct01 by Tim on October 1, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics The Halloweener strikes down Doctor V once again! I hope you all will return to enjoy new comics every weekday this month!
Wow! How a year flies!
Great strip today Tim! Looking forward to Vinnie five days a week!
Thanks, Bill, October is always my favorite month!
Epic Halloween page Tim!
Thanks for checking it out!
Vinnie’s gonna meet the Great Pumpkin!
That would be great!
I believe in the Halloweener. Unfortunately so does Vinnie!
The bounty!
The quickarrr, pickarrr, upparrrrrrr!
Perfect reply, Tim.
Thanks, Julian!
Yay! Halloween! Woot!
I know, it’s very exciting!
Poor Vinnie’s in for a rough month! Love Sunny’s pose in the last panel!
Thanks, Rich! Vinnie should just stay in his coffin until November!