Also, make sure the curtains are open. I love the curtains, by the way.
A touch of class for the deceased!
People looking into their review mirror, the hearse will be driving itself!
You must be psychic!
Be sure to tie down the coffin in the back seat.
They all keep one back there in case they break down near sun rise.
This sounds familiar!
All teenagers should relate to this strip!
Stress, stress, stress! Relaaxxx….
I don’t think Vinnie’s got a relax button…
heh. moms.
Especially Vinnie’s Mom!
I see Vinnie’s got that white-knuckle wheel-grip going on. It’s gonna hurt so much when he eventually releases it.
Vinnie looks good with the white knuckles!
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Also, make sure the curtains are open. I love the curtains, by the way.
A touch of class for the deceased!
People looking into their review mirror, the hearse will be driving itself!
You must be psychic!
Be sure to tie down the coffin in the back seat.
They all keep one back there in case they break down near sun rise.
This sounds familiar!
All teenagers should relate to this strip!
Stress, stress, stress! Relaaxxx….
I don’t think Vinnie’s got a relax button…
heh. moms.
Especially Vinnie’s Mom!
I see Vinnie’s got that white-knuckle wheel-grip going on. It’s gonna hurt so much when he eventually releases it.
Vinnie looks good with the white knuckles!