In more places than one! I like what you did with the third panel Tim!
Thanks, Bill, I try to tone down the violence!
He who laughs last, can no longer laugh anymore? Like the silhouette panel Tim!
Laughter may be the best medicine, but I think Belfry could use some pain medicine as well! Thanks, Rich!
I’d say laugh it off, but I don’t think he can!
One of the side effects of a broken funny bone.
To use a baseball analogy, I’d say that is a bat with balls!
And Bob hit a home run!
It’s not smart to agitate a dog with a good throwing arm.
Belfry isn’t known for his I.Q.!
He may have an ugly face but he’s got a beautiful left hook!
Pow…right in the kisser!
No one can prove it was Bob. No evidence. clever.
Bob’s a pro!
Some people are too touchy about there appearance.
Bob’s touchy about everything!
I think Bob’s grumpiness is cured!
At least until Belfry’s bones heal.
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In more places than one!
I like what you did with the third panel Tim!
Thanks, Bill, I try to tone down the violence!
He who laughs last, can no longer laugh anymore? Like the silhouette panel Tim!
Laughter may be the best medicine, but I think Belfry could use some pain medicine as well! Thanks, Rich!
I’d say laugh it off, but I don’t think he can!
One of the side effects of a broken funny bone.
To use a baseball analogy, I’d say that is a bat with balls!
And Bob hit a home run!
It’s not smart to agitate a dog with a good throwing arm.
Belfry isn’t known for his I.Q.!
He may have an ugly face but he’s got a beautiful left hook!
Pow…right in the kisser!
No one can prove it was Bob. No evidence. clever.
Bob’s a pro!
Some people are too touchy about there appearance.
Bob’s touchy about everything!
I think Bob’s grumpiness is cured!
At least until Belfry’s bones heal.