The Cloud Mar19 by Tim on March 19, 2012 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comics Sunny may really enjoy making Vinnie’s life miserable, but even she knows where the line is!
I think they can spot that cloud on Dopplerganger radar. Love the color and expressions!
If you think Vinnie shows up, wait till they see hurricane Vampa!
Thanks for the kind words, Mark!
If the baby vampire sees the cloud, Viinne must be in a bad mood.
Not only did she see it, she probably put it there!
Imagine how easy life would be if we actually saw those clouds? Sunny is smarter than most of the world’s male population…
I wish we could see those clouds too! It sure would save me a lot of grief!
Very wise, Sunny! I never mess with anybody who has that cloud over his/her head either!
I’ve read your comic, Marieke, your characters definitely need to walk with caution like mine
I love the breaking of the 4th wall. Good show Sir.
Sometimes it fun to break stuff!
That’s very sensible of Sunny. Big brothers should come with mood clouds as standard
Love that you’ve got comments on here now Tim.
That would be my wish for the world! I’m glad you’re enjoying the new site. Thank you for your wonderful comments, Becky!
She is the first sister to know the line then.
She picks her battles…and she’s picked plenty!
Good idea!
he needs to switch to -O neg juice (blood) box. that should cheer him up.
Vinnie looooooves his A Positive!