LOVE the toothy necklace!
Thanks, Warren, so does Sunny!
I always love a happy ending.
That’s what I say when I’m walking out of a massage parlor!
In my head, she’s singing “i got a brand new necklace” to the tune of “i’ve got a golden ticket” from Willy Wonka.
That’s what I was thinking!
The closet monster came and went, he thought he was a villain, he underestimated Sonny stuff, when it comes to kill’n.
Very Good!
Sunny is the best!
Thanks Marieke!
Man, how do you update three times a week?! I’m dumbfounded. -v
Dedication and absolutely no T.V. or video games…ever.
Several hours…didn’t she learn not to play with her food.
Most of that time was making the necklace!
And it thought being called “Sweetie” was painful!
Now they’ll call him gummy!
Inventor of the kids meal. That’s super awesome!
You’re super awesome!
Looks like he won’t have to worry about dental floss anymore.
Yep. He’ll have to swallow them whole from now on!
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LOVE the toothy necklace!
Thanks, Warren, so does Sunny!
I always love a happy ending.
That’s what I say when I’m walking out of a massage parlor!
In my head, she’s singing “i got a brand new necklace” to the tune of “i’ve got a golden ticket” from Willy Wonka.
That’s what I was thinking!
The closet monster came and went, he thought he was a villain, he underestimated Sonny stuff, when it comes to kill’n.
Very Good!
Sunny is the best!
Thanks Marieke!
Man, how do you update three times a week?! I’m dumbfounded. -v
Dedication and absolutely no T.V. or video games…ever.
Several hours…didn’t she learn not to play with her food.
Most of that time was making the necklace!
And it thought being called “Sweetie” was painful!
Now they’ll call him gummy!
Inventor of the kids meal. That’s super awesome!
You’re super awesome!
Looks like he won’t have to worry about dental floss anymore.
Yep. He’ll have to swallow them whole from now on!