The Closet Monster Nov12 by Tim on November 12, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This comic is the first of a three part series. I hope you come back Wednesday for part two!
I think there’s a job site called “Monsters” for that.
Ha! Good one, Brad!
However all the jobs listed for vampires….SUCK
…and they’re all third shift!
I’ll bet the monster had to answer a lot of tough questions during his job interview!
I hope his boss isn’t as bad as the boss in your comic!
Give that girl a job!
It’s not a job if you do what you love!
I guess the monster under the bed position was already filled?
No space under a coffin for that problem!
Maybe she can get an internship.
She’d probably do volunteer work for them!
If I were the monster, I’d be scared of what’s outside of the closet!
Yeah, he shouldn’t let her cuddly exterior mislead him!
I think Sunny may have found her occupational calling. This looks to be a cool twist on the standard “closet” story. I’m lovin’ it so far, Tim.
Thanks, George! That boogie man better hope he hasn’t bitten off more than he can chew!