Ahh, the good times. Memories, we don’t realize how great things are until after the fact.
I hope she keeps a scrapbook!
I never knew Vampire School was so adventuresome!
I’m surprised Vinnie survived this long!
ahhh the days of youth
So much violence…so little time…
Sunny knows a good time when she’s. . . involved!
I can only imagine a room full of preschoolers like Sunny!
A difference in perspective makes a difference!
You can’t get much different than these two!
If Vinnie ain’t cut out for vampire school what is he cut out for?
Dental school?
Lincoln logs, a kid vampire hunters first stake!
That teacher should know that Lego’s are a much safer choice!
Catastrophe to you, belly laughs to me!
Belly laughs…my favorite kind!
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Ahh, the good times. Memories, we don’t realize how great things are until after the fact.
I hope she keeps a scrapbook!
I never knew Vampire School was so adventuresome!
I’m surprised Vinnie survived this long!
ahhh the days of youth
So much violence…so little time…
Sunny knows a good time when she’s. . . involved!
I can only imagine a room full of preschoolers like Sunny!
A difference in perspective makes a difference!
You can’t get much different than these two!
If Vinnie ain’t cut out for vampire school what is he cut out for?
Dental school?
Lincoln logs, a kid vampire hunters first stake!
That teacher should know that Lego’s are a much safer choice!
Catastrophe to you, belly laughs to me!
Belly laughs…my favorite kind!