Tantrum Apr02 by Tim on April 2, 2012 at 12:02 am Chapter: Comics Sunny should have thought this one through a little.
Does it have any effect for a vampire to hold their breath? haha
I think Sunny learned the answer to that question the hard way
She’s naturally blue in the face, right? This is such a fun and creative concept, Tim! Wonderful expressions!
Thanks, Mark! It’s so much fun saying things without words, it’s actually harder than writing!
Hehe, throwing a proper tantrum is harder than it seems.. Love Sunny’s expressions in panel 4 and 5!
I’ve been working harder on the character body language. Thanks for noticing!
Those damn dead kids can hold their breath for very long periods of time.
Especially the undead ones!
I guess the only way she’ll be noticed is to be as nice and syrupy as she can.
…and if that doesn’t work, just say hello to her little fang!