Taking Your Work Home Aug04 by Tim on August 4, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To start from the beginning of this current story, click here.
Yup, that seems right. Good comic, Tim.
Thanks, Eric!
Never wash that cape again!
He probably never washed it in the first place!
Eye popping colors!! Well, what is there to say? Ol’ Vinnie is a couple of bat wing flaps past whipped for sure.
Thanks, J.P.! I like the colors in this one too! He’s definitely Val’s little puppy!
The power of love!
I’d say Vinnie’s been bitten!
Awww, that’s great, bet that made Vinnie’s day
A rare happy moment for Vinnie!
Cupid strikes again!
Good thing Cupid doesn’t have wooden tipped arrows!
Man, Val has no idea how much power she has over him. She could take advantage of that!
Yeah, he’s pretty smitten by the raven haired vixen!
Will Vinnie’s love for Val ever see the light of day?
I haven’t ruled it out…I just haven’t figured out how to do it.
I guess his new job has some VALue…
I see what you did there…
Sometimes it’s the little things. Nice happy ending! If you ran this comic the way I run my comic, the very next panel would have someone driving a stake into his heart. : ) -v
Haha! I think I’ll let Vinnie bask in this for a little while, Vince!
No love like vampire stalker love.
I thought I was the only one who thought that!