Sweet Memories… Jun01 by Tim on June 1, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I love releasing little tidbits of Vampa’s past. Is there anything he didn’t corrupt, kill or torture? Stay tuned…
Sadly I can’t remember what I did yesterday or 10 years ago.
It’s funny how the memory works. By the way, do I know you?
You’re doing a great service for children around the world. Grandparents have the best stories ever! Just sit and listen!
My grandpa wasn’t quite as interesting…
I can remember what I ate when I was six, but can’t recall where my wife says she’s going when she leaves the house. Selective memory can be a pain.
So can Vampa
I also… wait, what was I going to say?
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
My Grandma-in-law is a wily one. She plays the part of “forgetful senior” when it suits her, like when she’s at the service counter returning things past the return date.
I’m totally going to do that when I’m 70.
That’s one of the few things about growing old I look forward to!