Sunny meets Dr. Shrinkenheimer Sep17 by Tim on September 17, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To read more comics in this series click here and here
Trust is such a hot topic right now!
Well, at least she’s not a liar!
She sure got the old doc fired up.
She has a burning passion for this kind of stuff!
Silly doctor, he thought he was in control. Not with Sunny as your patient.
I think the only doctor that may have a chance with her is Dr. Lecter!
Another psychologist is toast, courtesy of sweet li’l Sunny! Say, is that Dr. Phil? Lol. Love it, Tim!
It was coincidental but I saw the resemblance myself, Mark!
Sunny keeps her promises!
Her mama is raising her right, at least by vampire standards!
Hopefully he’ll listen closely when she answers next time!
If there is a next time!
She’s a little cute “Firestarter” isn’t she?
She’s the cutest little psychopath I’ve ever known!
Burn baby burn!
That’s Sunny’s philosophy!
Never underestimate Sunny!
Is it getting warm in here
He didn’t even know he was invited to the BBQ!
He didn’t see that one coming.
They never do!
Aww… There’s nothing sweeter than bringing happiness to a child! Painful, fiery happiness…
It warms my heart to witness it!