Sunny Makes a Stand May14 by Tim on May 14, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Will Vinnie be forced to drink type “O”? I shudder at the thought!
I wonder if there’s a big IV bag like the Kool Aid man waiting around the corner to yell out ” OH YEAHHHH!”
That would be hilarious!
You got me, Brad! I was thinking the same thing.
Haha, Vinnie could have known had he looked at those letters on the fridge!
It’s all in the details!
Does she put a little celery stick in each glass?
25 cents more
A little vodka, a little rimmer, we got ourselves some Caesars!
A complete breakfast at my house!
Lucky I’m not there. I’m liable to spike the punch bowl every time.
I got me some lushes in the house today
I think she’s underselling that blood.
Unlive and learn…