Sunny is smarter than we thought. She knows where to draw the Mason Dixon line.
Everyone has their limits!
I was just gonna comment, but I can’t beat that one! Mason Dixon line! Nice one!
That was a good one!
Sunny has her evil standards!
We all should.
There should be 1 more panel with Vampa being a racist. lol It wouldn’t be funny, but it’d be true the reality of grampa’s everywhere.
Yeah! Vampa has probably tossed around the occasional slur or two!
Vampa or Sunny might know better, but I’d guess that blood is blood no matter the color of the skin of the one who ‘donates’ it, so they might not discriminate.
Very good point!
Is that why they are CLANdestine?
Sounds good to me!
Sunny is so seriously, evil-ly adorable.
That’s her thing!
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Sunny is smarter than we thought. She knows where to draw the Mason Dixon line.
Everyone has their limits!
I was just gonna comment, but I can’t beat that one! Mason Dixon line! Nice one!
That was a good one!
Sunny has her evil standards!
We all should.
There should be 1 more panel with Vampa being a racist. lol
It wouldn’t be funny, but it’d be true the reality of grampa’s everywhere.
Yeah! Vampa has probably tossed around the occasional slur or two!
Vampa or Sunny might know better, but I’d guess that blood is blood no matter the color of the skin of the one who ‘donates’ it, so they might not discriminate.
Very good point!
Is that why they are CLANdestine?
Sounds good to me!
Sunny is so seriously, evil-ly adorable.
That’s her thing!