Stumped Dec13 by Tim on December 13, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To see other Friday the thirteenth comics, click here, here and here. └ Tags: Friday thirteenth
Excellent use of the word, prophetic!
Thanks, Julian!
That comic is gnarly and nubby and worthy of being in the slasher hall of fame.
Thanks, J.P.! I would ask for a round of applause, but I doubt Vinnie would appreciate that!
Ha! She know her superstitions!
She marks all the Fridays the thirteenths on her calendar in red!.
Thanks for the reminder, Sunny. I was like Vinnie on this one: Stumped!
Let me know if you need a hand, Joseph.
While reading this comic I thought “Oh, I didn’t realize it’s Friday the 13th”, then I saw Vinnie’s hands were chopped off and I started to laugh.
I love it when a comic sneaks up on ya!
Is that what they call a ‘hands-off’ approach?
I gotta hand it to you, George, that was a good one!
You’ve got to hand it to Sunny… Friday the 13th is definitely her day!
Yeah and Vinnie, obviously, can’t handle it!
Is there a Friday the 13th party at Vinnie and Sunny’s place? I wanna go!
I’m sure Sunny would love to have you over for dinner…err, I’m mean a party…
Christmas comes for sunny 1.7 times a year!
…and she loves to ring her slay bells!