Sunny is the poster child for an October Surprise.
I would hate to think of what she’s the poster child of the rest of the year!
What a deliciously evil prank!
Tastes like “AB” Negative!
Didn’t know Sunny smelled so bad
It’s a cross between decay and pennies!
That Sunny certainly is devious.
At least Bob rolls with the punches!
I see a faceplant in Bob’s future! Sunny’s a rascal!
Well at least she didn’t scatter the ground with broken glass!
Hope he can drop in!
…for the ground breaking ceremony!
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown, Sunny days always get me down!
There’s a blues song in there somewhere…
I guess this is a huge weight taken off of him.
She knows how to lift his spirits!
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Sunny is the poster child for an October Surprise.
I would hate to think of what she’s the poster child of the rest of the year!
What a deliciously evil prank!
Tastes like “AB” Negative!
Didn’t know Sunny smelled so bad
It’s a cross between decay and pennies!
That Sunny certainly is devious.
At least Bob rolls with the punches!
I see a faceplant in Bob’s future! Sunny’s a rascal!
Well at least she didn’t scatter the ground with broken glass!
Hope he can drop in!
…for the ground breaking ceremony!
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown, Sunny days always get me down!
There’s a blues song in there somewhere…
I guess this is a huge weight taken off of him.
She knows how to lift his spirits!