Smooth Prank May13 by Tim on May 13, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To see how Vinnie got his job at Dracoola’s, click here to read the storyline.
Third base!
You see where Vampa got his inspiration for this prank!
If prank-calling smoothie shacks is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
My thoughts exactly!
There is nothing not awesome about this strip. Well done Tim.
Also, Michael took my joke. *sniff*
Thanks, Julian! I’ve always been a fan of the “Who’s on first” bit!
It’s mobile harassment of the Vampa kind.
All that’s missing is a pile of mashed potatoes…
Idle hands are the devil’s speed dialers.
666 EVIL!
Gotta keep the kid on his toes!
This family will keep you on your toes!
Panel 2. Ha!
Had fun with that one!
Ha, ha, Vampa & Sunny winding Vinnie up like that made my day! That was so funny :O)
Thanks, Paul. I had fun with this one!
Vinnie is the Moe Szyslak of smoothie makers!
Let’s hope Homer never wanders into this place!
Oh, that is hilarious! What else is family for other than harassing and vexing you? And those two do such a fine job of it.
Glad you liked that one, George! I could just see Hank pulling something like this!
Grandpa can hide that decrepit voice…nice.
He was probably using his Yoda impression.