Sign Flipping Jul31 by Tim on July 31, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics For those of you unfamiliar with the special greeting, click here.
This is turning out to be one great summer!
I totally understood, of course I’m fluent in the language of total infatuation!
I think most of us have been at some point!
yep…totally worth it.
It’s a positive match!
The Shack ain’t the only thing trying to be Smooth.
If fainting is being smooth then Vinnie is the smoothest! XD
They need to add Jello Shots to the menu because Vinnie keeps turning into Jello so they have to get rid of that stuff somehow
There’s always room for Jello…especially on the floor!
Vinnie is as sloppy as a smoothie sandwich!
That’s pretty sloppy!
I’d agree. That’s one special greeting!
Special doesn’t begin to describe it!
It is destiny that Vinnie caries the sign.
It was meant to be!
I’m A+… Do you think she’ll like ME?
I’m “A” positive as well, maybe she’ll have us both over for dinner!
The summer job doesn’t ‘suck’ quite as bad now eh Vinnie?
I guess it’s not so draining after all!
Signs signs, everywhere are signs of love in the air!
Now I got that song stuck in my head!