What would young love be without obsessing over every detail of your heart’s desire? Today’s comic explores just a drop of the ocean that is pounding Vinnie’s thoughts lately.
What would young love be without obsessing over every detail of your heart’s desire? Today’s comic explores just a drop of the ocean that is pounding Vinnie’s thoughts lately.
Love it!!
Thanks! I’ll wrap this storyline on Friday. Come back and catch a glimpse of the dream girl!
Yep. The things we change about ourselves in order to lock down a hottie. Funny!
Don’t tell Vampa, Vinnie would never hear the end of it!
A transfusion for the love of your afterlife? Now that’s romantic!
What can I say, romance is in my blood
I like his positive attitude
Vinnie is acting pretty out of character this week. Don’t worry, Monday he’ll be his old self!
How does he feel about the band Type O Negative?
I’m not sure he’s familiar with them. I’ll have to YouTube ’em. His favorite band is the Hemoglobins! They’ll be mentioned in a comic pretty soon>