Share Feb13 by Tim on February 13, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I’m taking a day off from the “Renny” story line to bring this heartfelt Valentine’s wish from Vampa.
Dang, Vampa is HARD CORE.
The original player!
Being widowed is just a secure way to make sure you keep all your stuff!
Oh, Vampa is full of “stuff“.
That old bird is so cool.
Or at least he’s room temperature.
Tell it like it is Vampa!
He’s as close to being a preacher as he can be without bursting into flames!
Vampa’s heart is a cold, marble slab.
…and it’s also black!
For some reason I don’t want to show this comic to my wife. Hits too close to home. I’ve been widowed 12 times and counting.. so… I love that Vampa!
You never know what’s gonna come out of his mouth!