When your name is Vinnie it really doesn’t matter what your do, you will always be wrong.
It’s the new “Charlie Brown”!
Looks like Vinnie is going to enjoy his job at Dracoola’s even more now
Love is a great motivator!
I absolutely Love Sunny’s expression in panel two!
Thanks, Bill, I redrew that several times.
“Love sick” vinnie face is cracking me up.
I was going for that goofy love vibe!
Infatuation has bumped his grump.
Nauseatingly so!
Careful What Vinnie you don’t wish for. That’s a saying, right?
I’ll take your word for it, Rich!
Hope he gets the night shift
Haha! Even Uncle Fred wouldn’t put him on days!
Ah, youth.
I know…172 and so much afterlife ahead of him!
Sounds like Sunny has a new ‘mission’!
New mission in the same war!
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When your name is Vinnie it really doesn’t matter what your do, you will always be wrong.
It’s the new “Charlie Brown”!
Looks like Vinnie is going to enjoy his job at Dracoola’s even more now
Love is a great motivator!
I absolutely Love Sunny’s expression in panel two!
Thanks, Bill, I redrew that several times.
“Love sick” vinnie face is cracking me up.
I was going for that goofy love vibe!
Infatuation has bumped his grump.
Nauseatingly so!
Careful What Vinnie you don’t wish for. That’s a saying, right?
I’ll take your word for it, Rich!
Hope he gets the night shift
Haha! Even Uncle Fred wouldn’t put him on days!
Ah, youth.
I know…172 and so much afterlife ahead of him!
Sounds like Sunny has a new ‘mission’!
New mission in the same war!