This will be the end of this story line. Don’t worry, Vinnie already said uncle Fred is keeping him on at the shack so I’m sure we’ll be checking in from time to time!
This will be the end of this story line. Don’t worry, Vinnie already said uncle Fred is keeping him on at the shack so I’m sure we’ll be checking in from time to time!
This was a fun summer story Tim. I’m glad you decided to have Vinnie working there all year round now.
Thanks, Bill! There’s just to much opportunity for material!
Sucks to be you, Vinnie! (Reminds me of voice acting, nice
Too bad she’s not acting…
She’s ready for her close up, Uncle Fred.
Haha! Indeed she is!
Sunny tops Vinnie again.
I’m beginning to believe she’s karma proof!
Oooh boy is Vinnie gonna be mad! Hopefully he won’t notice that billboard, but I have a feeling Sunny can’t pass up THAT opportunity!
Haha! You got that right, Rich!
Always find someone at work that works less than you and is paid more
Truer words have never been spoken!
It’s all about who has the talent
…or who ya know!
welcome to the 1%, Sunny. Would you like a pitcher of blood from an endangered tribe?
She’ll take it!
“Count your lucky stars Uncle Fred isn’t signing your check.” … hmmm will Sunny find her check to be for 500 CENTS?? Alas, misplaced decimal point? Stay tuned!! (btw I giggle when I see “count” in your strip hee hee)
Looks like Vinnie got a raw deal
Vampires are supposed to be at the top of the food chain!