I love the idea of “glaucoma meds” in a pipe.
What can I say, Vampa likes a tightly packed bowl!
And now Vampa has the munchies for some reason!
Watch your neck!
The nursing home has become THE place to be to get a contact buzz. Or maybe it’s just the smell of rubbing alcohol.
Or the intoxicating aroma of Ben Gay!
That’s what they all say
They used to call him Count Cannabis!
Hahaha, you’d think all those medicinal herbs would have mellowed him out a little!
Yeah, could you imagine him without it!!!
Vampa has to take care of himself!
I wonder what’s growing in mom’s herb garden?
Vamp is the UnGrateful Dead.
Jerry Garcia is rolling over in his grave!
What’s he rolling over?
Harsh, Vinnie. Even senile vampires need a little something-something to take the edge off.
Just because your dead doesn’t mean you have to act that way!
Hahaha! Even Vampa’s got a “card”.
He was the first in line for one!
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I love the idea of “glaucoma meds” in a pipe.
What can I say, Vampa likes a tightly packed bowl!
And now Vampa has the munchies for some reason!
Watch your neck!
The nursing home has become THE place to be to get a contact buzz. Or maybe it’s just the smell of rubbing alcohol.
Or the intoxicating aroma of Ben Gay!
That’s what they all say
They used to call him Count Cannabis!
Hahaha, you’d think all those medicinal herbs would have mellowed him out a little!
Yeah, could you imagine him without it!!!
Vampa has to take care of himself!
I wonder what’s growing in mom’s herb garden?
Vamp is the UnGrateful Dead.
Jerry Garcia is rolling over in his grave!
What’s he rolling over?
Harsh, Vinnie. Even senile vampires need a little something-something to take the edge off.
Just because your dead doesn’t mean you have to act that way!
Hahaha! Even Vampa’s got a “card”.
He was the first in line for one!