Somebody is going to get punked on the road to the pumpkin patch.
I would take my chances with a ghost over Sunny!
I’d rather go apple picking!
Apples are a lot harder to scoop out!
There might be a werewolf in there!
So many monsters…so many choices!
…Or there could be a vampire!!
Say it ain’t so!
It’s October, everything looks like different! [sBoOoOokY]
Even Scooby would be freaked out!
Looks like an adventure.
I’m sure it will be!
It’s not like the trees are the most menacing thing I’ve every seen or anything.
Trees with red eyes are never a good thing!
‘Abandon all hope all ye who enter’!
I shoulda let you make the path sign!
The path of screech resistance!
It’ll be like a “Saved By The Bell” reunion down there!
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Somebody is going to get punked on the road to the pumpkin patch.
I would take my chances with a ghost over Sunny!
I’d rather go apple picking!
Apples are a lot harder to scoop out!
There might be a werewolf in there!
So many monsters…so many choices!
…Or there could be a vampire!!
Say it ain’t so!
It’s October, everything looks like different! [sBoOoOokY]
Even Scooby would be freaked out!
Looks like an adventure.
I’m sure it will be!
It’s not like the trees are the most menacing thing I’ve every seen or anything.
Trees with red eyes are never a good thing!
‘Abandon all hope all ye who enter’!
I shoulda let you make the path sign!
The path of screech resistance!
It’ll be like a “Saved By The Bell” reunion down there!