You would look sad too if your life expectancy was less than a year and all you had to look forward to was being carved up and then smashed to bits. Pumpkins of the world stand up and revolt!!!!
Wait, I think I see through SUNNY’s eyes!! Maybe *gasp*, I’m a VAMPIRE? Could it be???? Just saying those pumpkins look sad to me.. even in the first panel!!
Every pumpkin needs a home!
I hope they’ll all find one!
Look at them Vinnie. Just look at them. How can you be soooo cruel!
He’s cruel in his own special way, just like Sunny.
This was one of those “Next, on a very special episode of Vinnie the Vampire” episodes. I need a Kleenex.
Eat your heart out Blossom!
You would look sad too if your life expectancy was less than a year and all you had to look forward to was being carved up and then smashed to bits. Pumpkins of the world stand up and revolt!!!!
Wait, I think I see through SUNNY’s eyes!! Maybe *gasp*, I’m a VAMPIRE? Could it be???? Just saying those pumpkins look sad to me.. even in the first panel!!
Just to be safe, slather on the sunscreen the next time you go out!
A sad day in Pumpkinville.
Nothin’ sadder than a pumpkin crying his guts out.
Take them all!
They’ll need a bigger wagon!