How funny you went with Fight Club today? Mine is about Fight Club too! That’s awesome. What is it they say about great minds?
I know! It’s a small, cruel world…
That’s a pretty mean book!
That’s a pretty mean vampire!
See. This is why I hate pop-up books.
I always thought pop up books were kinda cool…but I’d stay away from this one!
This extra cracks me up because I have a Fight Club book joke coming up in my comic as well!
Well Eric from “The Hat and Fat” ran a Fight Club comic today! XD
Mischief. Mayhem. Sunny.
One and two, so right are you!
Oh Sunny, you crazy.
Just a tad bit…
Well she just talked about it
She never was much for following the rules.
Sunny needs to stick with Dick and Jane stories.
See spot bleed!
First the squirrel in the box and now a fist in a book, it appears as if you are working on your “Spring” toy line.
Either that or a demented Dr. Seuss book…
That book sure packs a wallop!
It sure does…pages of ’em!
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How funny you went with Fight Club today? Mine is about Fight Club too! That’s awesome. What is it they say about great minds?
I know! It’s a small, cruel world…
That’s a pretty mean book!
That’s a pretty mean vampire!
See. This is why I hate pop-up books.
I always thought pop up books were kinda cool…but I’d stay away from this one!
This extra cracks me up because I have a Fight Club book joke coming up in my comic as well!
Well Eric from “The Hat and Fat” ran a Fight Club comic today! XD
Mischief. Mayhem. Sunny.
One and two, so right are you!
Oh Sunny, you crazy.
Just a tad bit…
Well she just talked about it
She never was much for following the rules.
Sunny needs to stick with Dick and Jane stories.
See spot bleed!
First the squirrel in the box and now a fist in a book, it appears as if you are working on your “Spring” toy line.
Either that or a demented Dr. Seuss book…
That book sure packs a wallop!
It sure does…pages of ’em!