Piece of WHAT??
Cheerfulness and mornings don’t go well!
Too bad he can’t have a nice cup of coffee!
Happy morning people bother me. Even if their morning starts at twilight!
Cheerful morning people are creepy!
Getting up early is hard indeed!
Vinnie isn’t an evening person.
i like the red shirt
That’s his jammies
Vinnie needs some caffeine mixed into his A-Positive!
Or at least a 5 hour energy shot!
My wife is quickly learning that, as much as I joke and have fun, I’m no friendly comedian first thing in the morning. Gimme a little while to wake up before you approach me with the mundane.
Sunny is just a born button pusher
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Piece of WHAT??
Cheerfulness and mornings don’t go well!
Too bad he can’t have a nice cup of coffee!
Happy morning people bother me. Even if their morning starts at twilight!
Cheerful morning people are creepy!
Getting up early is hard indeed!
Vinnie isn’t an evening person.
i like the red shirt
That’s his jammies
Vinnie needs some caffeine mixed into his A-Positive!
Or at least a 5 hour energy shot!
My wife is quickly learning that, as much as I joke and have fun, I’m no friendly comedian first thing in the morning. Gimme a little while to wake up before you approach me with the mundane.
Sunny is just a born button pusher