Sunny can cause discomfort even when she isn’t there!
Her evil reaches way beyond the walls!
People say he’s crazy. Just a little touched. But maybe showers remind him of “Psycho” too much.
Bravo, Mark, that was brilliant!
There’s just something about being wet and naked that makes me paranoid.
Yeah, you always look so paranoid when I’m peeking….ooops…forget I said that…
This is turning into a “soap opera”.
Watch out, “Dark Shadows”, here I come!
I think I see an eyeball in the caulk
Uh oh…now you’re paranoid too, Bearman!
hehehe Sunny just awake Vinnie’s paranoiac side
Sunny takes great delight in subtle forms of torture as well as her usual ways!
ACK! I looked away before the last panel. I swear I did!
I’ll take your word for it…hey…is that suds on your shoes?
You know, I used to feel this way – that somebody or something is watching me. It used to bother me, now I just flaunt it! Shake it, Vinnie!
I don’t think vampires are into twerking!
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Sunny can cause discomfort even when she isn’t there!
Her evil reaches way beyond the walls!
People say he’s crazy.
Just a little touched.
But maybe showers remind him of
“Psycho” too much.
Bravo, Mark, that was brilliant!
There’s just something about being wet and naked that makes me paranoid.
Yeah, you always look so paranoid when I’m peeking….ooops…forget I said that…
This is turning into a “soap opera”.
Watch out, “Dark Shadows”, here I come!
I think I see an eyeball in the caulk
Uh oh…now you’re paranoid too, Bearman!
hehehe Sunny just awake Vinnie’s paranoiac side
Sunny takes great delight in subtle forms of torture as well as her usual ways!
ACK! I looked away before the last panel. I swear I did!
I’ll take your word for it…hey…is that suds on your shoes?
You know, I used to feel this way – that somebody or something is watching me. It used to bother me, now I just flaunt it! Shake it, Vinnie!
I don’t think vampires are into twerking!