I still remember my first paycheck, $232.00! I was so amazed that my name was on the check. It never occurred to me to look at the deductions till later- once I had blown every bit of it (no surprise there, huh?). Do you remember me taking you & my best friend Asha out to eat Chinese food? I hope Vinnie does a little celebrating with his first paycheck
I’ve sent FICA and his whole family to college, trips around the world, and back again with all the deductions he’s taken from me. I remember my first paycheck, I was making $2.75 per hour and living large until I met FICA and realized he was living so much larger than I.
The goverment..also another blood sucking monster!!
My thoughts exactly!
That shock of the first paycheck should be bottled and brought out on election days.
Ain’t that the truth!
I would read the heck out of a comic where a vampire hunts down the various governmental acronyms. “You’re going down, GNP!”
That would be great! I’d call it “Bloodsucker Vs. Bloodsucker!”
I still remember my first paycheck, $232.00! I was so amazed that my name was on the check. It never occurred to me to look at the deductions till later- once I had blown every bit of it (no surprise there, huh?). Do you remember me taking you & my best friend Asha out to eat Chinese food? I hope Vinnie does a little celebrating with his first paycheck
I do remember that! I hope Vinnie gets to have a little fun before Mom gets her hands on it!
I love the second panel. It’s always a guessing game with paychecks. Why is that?
We’re all a slave to the almighty dollar!
The first bite is the deepest.
and the most painful!
I’ve sent FICA and his whole family to college, trips around the world, and back again with all the deductions he’s taken from me. I remember my first paycheck, I was making $2.75 per hour and living large until I met FICA and realized he was living so much larger than I.
Aha! So it is a “he!”
We don’t have Fica here in Australia… but something remarkably similar and also related to the government. Clearly it’s a global conspiracy.
I was hoping my friends outside the US wouldn’t be alienated by this comic!
Is FICA related to FIFO and LIFO?
I think it’s related closer to Groucho, Harpo and Chico.
“I saw Count Fica with red light of triumph in his eyes, and with a smile that Judas in hell might be proud of.”
Count FICA sounds like a creature I would prefer to avoid!
FICA is a harsh, unforgiving mistress, I believe.
Yes, but all I’m asking for is a little lube.