Uh oh. Vampire hunters: 01
I hope he lives to live this one down…
I know the feeling!
I’m sure you do!
The old peanut butter fake out gets them everytime. Next he’ll get suckered by the jelly roll ruse.
Haha, wouldn’t surprise me one bit!
Of dear! Hope Bob can get out of that trap quickly, or Sunny will make sure he never lives it down!
If Bob doesn’t get out quick, Sunny may be done for!
Ha, ha! You don’t have to wake up very early to out smart this pup!
Okay…Bob deserved that one…
Well, Bob did disclose his weakness: Having to get up pretty early to pull one over on him. Hopefully it’s one of Sunny’s pranks. But this stinks of Heelslug and peanut butter.
I suspect the latter…
Not being a morning person myself, I can totally sympathize, Bob.
I do some of my best thinking in the morning!
Me too! I’m a total early bird! :O)
Early bird gets the dog.
Does that only apply to bird dogs?
It was early, but I don’t think he even got the worm either.
Worms give him heartburn…
It’s okay, Bob, I don’t do so well in the morning either.
Roll over and go back to sleep!
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Uh oh. Vampire hunters: 01
I hope he lives to live this one down…
I know the feeling!
I’m sure you do!
The old peanut butter fake out gets them everytime. Next he’ll get suckered by the jelly roll ruse.
Haha, wouldn’t surprise me one bit!
Of dear! Hope Bob can get out of that trap quickly, or Sunny will make sure he never lives it down!
If Bob doesn’t get out quick, Sunny may be done for!
Ha, ha! You don’t have to wake up very early to out smart this pup!
Okay…Bob deserved that one…
Well, Bob did disclose his weakness: Having to get up pretty early to pull one over on him. Hopefully it’s one of Sunny’s pranks. But this stinks of Heelslug and peanut butter.
I suspect the latter…
Not being a morning person myself, I can totally sympathize, Bob.
I do some of my best thinking in the morning!
Me too! I’m a total early bird! :O)
Early bird gets the dog.
Does that only apply to bird dogs?
It was early, but I don’t think he even got the worm either.
Worms give him heartburn…
It’s okay, Bob, I don’t do so well in the morning either.
Roll over and go back to sleep!