That Sunny is quite the cut up.
Very sharp comment, J.P.!
Sunny needs an anatomy lesson!
That would come in handy!
He’s still got a spare. At least she didn’t go for the neck!
She was aiming for the board, the hand thing was an accident…wink…wink…
I wonder how much “practice” Vinnie can survive.
Hopefully she’ll move on to the next costume soon!
If she asks you to hold it in your teeth, just say no.
I would just run at that point…
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on you again!
He falls for it every time!
If Star Wars had ninjas, it’d be a lot like this.
Wouldn’t the Jedi be considered space ninja’s?
Nice of him to give her a hand…
Ha! Good one!
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That Sunny is quite the cut up.
Very sharp comment, J.P.!
Sunny needs an anatomy lesson!
That would come in handy!
He’s still got a spare. At least she didn’t go for the neck!
She was aiming for the board, the hand thing was an accident…wink…wink…
I wonder how much “practice” Vinnie can survive.
Hopefully she’ll move on to the next costume soon!
If she asks you to hold it in your teeth, just say no.
I would just run at that point…
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on you again!
He falls for it every time!
If Star Wars had ninjas, it’d be a lot like this.
Wouldn’t the Jedi be considered space ninja’s?
Nice of him to give her a hand…
Ha! Good one!