Name Calling Jan08 by Tim on January 8, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Hit the “previous” button below the comic to see the last Renny related comic. └ Tags: renny
How about “her pin cushion”?
That would work! I actually explored that in this comic… ZB tribute.
In the pecking order of life, Vinnie is stuck on the bottom of the bird cage.
Right there on the funny papers (I WISH)!
How about The Master’s Doormat.
Renny will get him that shirt on his next birthday!
Yeah, a sliver bout’ sums it up!
…and that’s being generous!
Sunny puts the bling in sibling rivalry.
She also puts the ing in annoying…
I like Renny’s look. Total minion.
I like that Renny’s pelvis must sit tightly against his kneecaps which, in turn, rest solidly against his instep. He’s not making the sprinting team.
He’s definitely a shuffler…
Thanks, Nef, he oozes obedience!
I’ll have to check Renny for fang marks on his neck after this…
He’s type “O”…only Vampa likes that one!
I like how it is Renny, and not Sonny, that thinks Vinnie deserves the respect.
In my mind, vampires have a code to only give respect when earned.
I think that sliver just turned into a splinter.