This is Vinnie’s first encounter with a real hunter. Will he fight? Will he run? Will he scream like a little girl? You’ll have to wait and see…..
This is Vinnie’s first encounter with a real hunter. Will he fight? Will he run? Will he scream like a little girl? You’ll have to wait and see…..
Staking is bad. Staking in front of the fridge full of bloody steak is just so literal!
Just blood boxes in their fridge, but it’s still bad to stake!
Oh Wow! What a great cliffhanger!!! This story is great Tim!
Love the drawing on the fridge. Sunny, I presume?
Yes, Sunny loves her crayons…especially the red one!
That will teach you to get up when you should still be in bed!
Nice story twist Tim! Didn’t see that coming at all!
Thanks, Bill!
It’s getting so a vampire isn’t safe in their own kitchen. Vinnie is slow to get the point most of the time but somehow I think he understands what’s at stake.
Let’s hope a little bit of Vampa and Sunny is in him!
Love the drawings on the fridge. Nice touch.
I’m glad someone noticed those!
girl girl girl
He practically sparkles!
Yikes! I hope Vinnie’s bladder wasn’t full before he headed down to the kitchen.
If it was, it isn’t now!
Some people sure can hold onto a grudge!
Nobody wants the Van Heelslugs for neighbors!
Where’s Sunny when ya need her!
That little pain in the neck would be a welcomed sight right about now!
Drink outside the box, Vinnie!
That’s what he was trying to do!
I love the view on the last panel.
Thanks, Julian, I liked how it turned out as well!